Archive for the Kittens Category

Everyware, All the Time.

Posted in Educational, Kittens, Surveillance, Technology with tags , , , , , , on November 21, 2008 by inverself

Imagine a world where everything is hooked up to some kind of computing device, or server. That world is far in the future, right? Wrong. If you live in U-City, South Korea, the future is now. Imagine stores where everything you put in your shopping cart is automatically charged to your credit/debit card when you walk out the door with it. Imagine being able to find your keys by searching for their location with your laptop. In U-City (Ubiquitous City), a series of international corporations have brought together cutting edge technology to create their vision for our future. In a nutshell, ubiquitous computing is the concept of trying to integrate the world of physical things with the digital world. Here is a great article from that sums up the whole deal.

For better or worse, these are the kinds of things that future generations will have to adapt to. Yeah, we have computers and webcams. Yeah, we have iPhones and Blackberries. But what about RFID Dust? Do you have any idea what that is? Continue reading